2023 The Busiest Year on Record for Orange Rural
By Member Jeff Cabe
January 16, 2024

The department saw an increase in response numbers during 2023 that made year end totals higher than ever before. Here's what we did, by the numbers in 2023.

Total Call Volume- 2,500 calls for service

Station Call Volume-
Station 1- 1,536
Station 2- 50
Station 3- 239
Station 4- 1,246
Call volume for stations sometimes overlaps as more than one station responds to some call types.

Unit Call Volume-
Engine 1- 540
Engine 2- 188
Engine 3- 385
Engine 4- 36 (newest engine in the fleet)

Our paid firefighters work rotating 24 hour shifts. It takes three shifts of personnel to guarantee 24/7 coverage for emergency response.

Shift Call Volume-
A-Shift- 874
B-Shift- 789
C-Shift- 837

The Central Orange Fire District is a 64 square mile section of central Orange County. The average response time for our entire district was 5.38 minutes.